Top 3 Considerations for AI and CPAs

The prospect of AI impacting the work of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) brings several considerations to the forefront. Here are three of the most significant considerations: These considerations emphasize the need for CPAs to be proactive in understanding and integrating AI into their practices, ensuring they can navigate the changing landscape effectively while maintaining their…

The Importance of Building a Strong Brand Identity for Small- and Mid-Sized Businesses

Brand identity is fundamental to business success. It creates a distinctive and memorable image that sets a company apart from competitors. Brand identity establishes credibility and nurtures customer loyalty. Aside from sustaining an existing customer base, a brand identity can help you penetrate potential market segments. For instance, a well-established brand identity can positively affect…

Controlled Business Conversation Thought: The Empty Cup

Here’s today’s controlled business conversation thought. The empty cup. The empty cup is a philosophy of completely letting go of your own needs and wants and agenda, and your ego and completely focused on your client prospect. Empathetically listening very deeply to their pains, their needs, their wants, and their desires. I call this conversation:…